
Social Life
How to write a message to another Woltarian ?
Just go this Woltarian's information page (research or messages tab) and click on "regular message".
I'm trying to increase my Woltarian's affinity but it goes very slowly. How to reach 2000 or 5000 ?
The most efficient way is to invite friends, either to the pub or at home. Parties and invitations increase the affinity between Woltarians rapidly.
What are those hearts ?
When Woltarians fall in love (over 5000 affinity with opposite sex), a big heart appears. If the other Woltarian shares the same feelings, it is possible to declare your love. If the declaration is accepted, the big heart turns into a double heart.
Can my Woltarian have more than one lover ?
Yes, but beware of potential jealousy that you could cause. Besides, when Woltarians get dumped by their loves, it has a negative impact on their happiness.
If I ignore some Woltarians, can I " unignore " them later ?
Yes, this option allows you to block troublesome Woltarians, but you can always change your mind.
How to invite my friends ?
You need to be at least young and the Woltarians you want to invite must be in your friends list. Then, according to the stage you're in, you can invite your friends to some leisure activities (in the timetable) or to parties at home (in your inventory). If you are a teenager, you can invite your friends to the movie theater.
How to invite more than one friend ?
Keep pressing the CTRL key and select the friends you want to invite.
How to marry my Woltarian ?
Woltarians need to find a soul mate, they can't be forced into a wedding.

PTo begin with, you need to find a Woltarian of the opposite sex with whom your affinity is over 5000. You can then send a love declaration. If the declaration is accepted, you will become a couple.
Once a couple, you can propose when your affinity is over 20000. A marriage proposal can be accepted when the loved one's affinity with you is over 15000. In which case you become engaged.
Now you need to organize the ceremony. Remember, Woltarians need to be adults to get engaged and consequently to get married.
How to organize the wedding ceremony ?
First you need to make a guest list. Once the list is ready, you may choose the wedding ceremony that you like.
Is it possible to have several wedding ceremonies ?
Yes, but only if they all take place on the same day. Once you have sent the first round of invitations, you can make a new guest list and send another round of invitations for another party. Thus, you may have a small ceremony with many guests and finish the day more privately.
Do I have to invite people to my wedding ?
No, it is possible to have a discreet wedding with just the bride and groom, without any guest.