
Diplomas and careers
What are the Science degrees for?
The bachelor's degree allows you to become a lab assistant, the master's degree a researcher. Those two jobs are paid.
What are the Law degrees for?
The bachelor's degree allows you to become a clerk, the master's degree a lawyer. Those two jobs are paid.
What is the Bachelor of Business for?
It gives you access to the wholesaler who will buy your goods (in lots) at a higher price and sell food at a cheaper price.
What is the Navigation license for?
It allows you to buy and to drive the trawler for even more miraculous catches.
What is the Alchemy diploma for?
You can make potions that you can sell on the market or to the shop.
What is the Herbalist diploma for?
You can grow plants that are necessary to produce potions. You can sell them to the alchemists on the market or to the shop.
What are the Cooking and Chef diplomas for?
They allow you to use the kitchens and prepare dishes that you can sell on the market or to the shop (or you can keep them for personal use).
What are the different salaries?
Clerks and lab assistants earn 50 wz per hour and can work up to 8 hours a day. Lawyers and researchers earn 100 wz per hour and can work up to 8 hours a day. Researchers can get a 100 wz bonus per day for 30 days if they have a patent (obtained randomly). Dancers earn 100 wz per hour, principal dancers 300wz per hour, and you can only work 2 hours a day. As for fishermen, cooks, chefs, alchemists and herbalists, they earn money by selling their production.
I have obtained my Bachelor's degree but no new job has appeared, why?
Business, Cooking and Alchemy degrees are free-lance careers. That is why no new jobs appear.
How to cook?
You need to buy a kitchen, a recipe and the ingredients needed for the recipe.
Why can't I cook what I want?
You don't need a diploma for broths and soups.
You need the Cooking diploma for the [?] and the [?].
With a Chef diploma, you can make all the meals.
Why do I mess up some dishes that end up in the trash?
Success depends on:
    • Your skill level: if it is equal to or hardly higher than the required level, you might mess up some dishes.
      The level required by the recipe.
      The kitchen you're using ("Difficulty" in the description) : the bigger it is, the more skilful you need to be.
  • What is a kitchen's productivity ?
    It is the number of dishes that you can make in 1 hour.
    What is a boat/craft/trawler's productivity ?
    It is the number of catches that you can make in 1 hour.
    Your actual production depends on your fishing skill. If you are above the required level you can catch up to twice your productivity. If you are below, you will probably catch less.
    What is a garden's productivity?
    It is the number of vegetables that you can get from a harvest.
    Your actual production depends on your gardening skill. If you are above the required level, you can harvest up to twice the productivity. If you are below, you will probably harvest less.
    Are there other jobs ?
    Yes, but you need to be a traveller to access them.
    • Begy : oenologist, pastrycook/confectioner, freighter driver .
      Tropico : surf teacher.
      Vésén : miner.
  • What is the Oenology diploma for ?
    You also need the Cooking degree. Then you can make [?] brandy and [?]. You need to have a distillery (Begy).
    What is the Confectioner diploma for?
    It allows you to make candy and cakes. You also need the Cooking degree and a confectionery is necessary (Begy).
    What is the Surf Teaching diploma for ?
    It allows you to teach surf on Tropico.
    What is the Advanced Maritime Navigation diploma for?
    It allows you to transport goods on a freighter. Fishing with a freighter is not possible.
    I want to refine sugar, how to do that?
    You need to have an Alchemy degree and to own a refinery (Begy).
    How to make potions?
    You need an alchemy laboratory, a formula and the ingredients required by the formula.
    How to become a miner?
    To become a miner on Vésén, you need to buy a mine and dig. No diploma is required.
    What is a mine for?
    In the mines you can extract crude spidonium and gold nuggets.
    Why can't I dig even though I have just prospected?
    It is necessary to prospect in order to find a new seam. If you haven't found a seam, you need to prospect again.
    What are the dangers of the mines ?
    Some creatures live in the mines. When you bump into one a fight takes place. If the creature is stronger than you, you run away before losing all of your health points.
    What is crude speedonium for?
    It is used to make speedonium cells. You need to buy a refinery in order to turn crude speedonium into cells.
    What are the gold nuggets for?
    They are used to make gold ingots. You need to buy a foundry in order to turn the nuggets into ingots.
    What to do with the gold ingots?
    They can only be sold to the bank, in any city of Woltar.
    How to transport gold ingots?
    Ingots are items and can be transported in an item container or in a cupboard that you placed in the cockpit of a luxury shuttle.