
Married Life
When I buy something for my couple, who pays ?
You pay, the couple doesn't have a shared account: the one who buys is the one who pays.
When I sell something that belongs to the couple, who gets the money ?
The money is divided fairly between the husband and wife.
I live in the same house than my spouse, is the comfort divided between us ?
No, you both benefit from the whole comfort of the house.
In case of a divorce, what happens to our shared possessions ?
The Woltarian who wants the divorce renoounces all the possessions that automatically go to the other.
In case of death, what happens to the shared possessions ?
The surviving Woltarian inherits the shared possessions.
How to make babies ?
You need to buy a nest where you can lay an egg.
Who will adopt the child?
The parents make the decision. To avoid conflicts, you can lay two eggs.
I want to have several children, can I lay more than one egg ?
Yes, you can lay as many eggs as you like.
Do I have to sit on the egg every day ?
No, you need to sit on the egg for a given amount of time. If you don't brood for a few hours, a few days, it automatically goes into stasis which delays the hatching.
I'm finished with brooding, how to make it hatch ?
You need to buy a nursery, put the egg in it and make it hatch.
How to know the sex of the baby ?
The sex is known only after the hatching unless you used a feminity or virility ointment (it requires karma).
I have a baby, what should I do ?
You should feed it with baby food so that it reaches 15 kg. You can also tell stories and take the baby out in a stroller.
If I forget to feed the baby, is it going to die ?
No, it will automatically go into stasis, it won't die but won't grow up either.
My baby has reached 15 kg, what's going to happen now ?
You can adopt it, it will become a child who will be added to the list of your Woltarians
How to adopt the child ?
You need to buy a studio (that you can furnish) so that your child has a home.
What will be the child's family name?
Children inherit the family name of the parent who hasn't adopted them.