
What is karma ?
Karma indicates your ability to influence your woltarian life.
How can I get karma ?
Go to the karma section on the buy page. You can buy through SMS, phone, credit card or paypal.
Why are some options not free ?
Game developments require lot of time, money is needed also for hosting and graphics.
I can't pay, I thought the game was free
The game is free, it is absolutely possible to play without karma. Karma brings you more possibilities but none is essential.
I feel like cheating when using karma.
Your are your woltarian gardian angel. Having a more involved gardian angel is not cheating in the game of life.
What's the comfort pack ?
The comfort includes many functions to make your game play easier:
  • Auto log-in
    No need to enter your login and password each time, it is automatic.
    This option can be activated on every computer you use.
    Check your profile to activate this function.

  • Message organisation
    Getting lost with your messages? You want to organise all of this? Keep some message?

    You can order you messages in multiple mailboxes

    You can even have them automatically inserted in the right mailbox depending on the sender.
  • Guest lists
    You were at a party, find all other members in one click.
  • Double your guest list
    You can invite twice as much guests whether at home or in the city (at the movies, night club etc.)
  • Automatic Statis
    No more stress if you happen to forget about your woltarian. As soon as he/she get into coma he/she will be automatically put into stasis. You'll never come back to find your woltarian dead
  • Out of statis
    Without the comfort pack, statis last at least one day. The next day you can't get your woltarian out of statis.
    Thanks to the compfort pack this limitation flies away.
    You had something planed and put your woltarian in statis? The plan got cancelled? Now with the comfort pack you can play anyway.
  • Images in blogs
    You can use the [img] bbcode and insert images in your blog with the following syntax: [img][/img].
    Be careful not to put images too big, your blog might become difficult to read.
  • Fitting room
    Try clothes before buying them. Find the one which fits you the best.
If you take this option during your subscription period it will be naturally extended.
I am using a computer on a public place from times to times, will the auto-log-on work there?
No, you need to activate this function for each computer on your profile.
what the point of the option "adopt a Woltarian" ?
You can adopt another woltarian (a second third, whatever) on the same account
What does "merge accounts" does ?
You can merge two accounts in order to have all woltarians on the same account
I want to merge my accounts but there is no account to be merged
both accounts need to have the same email address. You can change it in your profile.
I want to merge my accounts, but it rejects my password.
Make sure you enter the password of the account you want to merge ( and not the one you are logged in)
If I merge my accounts will I loose the karma on the other account?
No karma is merged too.