
General Questions
Can I have several Woltarians at the same time ?
Yes, all you need to do is go to the karma page. When the Woltarians are adults, they can have children who will then be added to the list of your Woltarians.
What is the stasis for ?
If you leave and are unable to take care of your Woltarians for a time, the stasis allows them to stay in the same state until you come back.
What are the illnesses that my Woltarian could suffer from ?
Flue, pneumonia, chickenpox, depression, comatose trauma, obesity, and some other.
How are the prices determined in the shops ?
The price of an item varies randomly around a basic price. The prices change every night at midnight.
What do the figures after the items mean ?
Some identical items are grouped together, the figure indicates how many there are : for example « soup 2 » shows that there are 2 soups.
The items that can contain other items (your studio or your cupboard) are never grouped. The two figures that follow indicate the occupied space and the total space: « small cupboard 2/3 » show that the cupboard has a capacity of 3 and that 2 spaces are occupied.
Can I own more than one home ?
Yes, but it would be of little interest because Woltarians can only live in one home at a time. The uninhabited home cannot affect your Woltarian's happiness anyway
CHow to sell my old place now that I have bought a new one ?
First you need to move everything that is in the old place into the new one, then click on « move in » in the new home. Now you can sell your previous home to the shop or on the market.
What is the temporal stasis ?
The temporal stasis allows you to put your Woltarian on hold when you are absent. It is useful if you go on vacation.
Should the Woltarians be fed before being put into temporal stasis ?
Yes, the first day is treated normally, the Woltarians should be fed and have their timetable filled up just as usual.
I can't get my Woltarian out of the stasis ?
The stasis lasts at least one day. So a Woltarian can only be woken up two days after being put into stasis.
The comfort pack enables you to woken your woltarian at anytime.
My Woltarian has caught an illness while apparently being immunised, why?
When Woltarians catch the mumps, they get a 19-day immunity. When they catch eyefluenza, the immunity lasts 9 days. None of the other illnesses give immunity, you need to take a potion to be immunised against them.
How to improve my abilities ?
It is impossible to change the abilities, they are part of your Woltarian's genetic inheritance.