
Diplomas and exams
What are the diplomas for ?
The diplomas allow you to have access to new activities or to pass a level.
want to take an exam, it says that the next session will be held on xx/xx/xx ?
For some exams, there are regular sessions, so you need to wait for the next one.
The examination calendar is published in the newspaper.
beware it is a woltarian date, not an earthly one
Required skills, level and factor : what does it all mean ?
One or more skills are necessary to take each examination.
The level column indicates your current level and the required level.
The factor corresponds to the importance of the skill compared to the other subjects. If there is only one skill, the factor doesn't matter.
I don't have all the required skills, can I still take the exam ?
Yes, luck may play a part. Besides, a high skill may compensate a low one.
I have all the required skills, can I be sure of success ?
No; chance plays a part, bad days can occur. Nevertheless, Woltarians shouldn't fail when they have a high level at all the skills.
How to decide which high school diploma I should take ?
There is only one high school diploma. So you can simply take the one that seems the easiest to pass.
The level column indicates the required level and your current level between (). The high school diploma you get doesn't influence your later studies : all the branches of the university are available, no matter what diploma you have.
What diplomas count as a bachelor?'s degree ?
  • the bachelor of Sciences
  • the bachelor of law
  • the bachelor of trade
  • the Dance exam
  • the alchemistery exam
  • the herboristery exam
  • the navigation license
  • the bachelor of cooking