
What is a BBcode ?
They are codes that enable you to change style in your messages or blog
How to write in bold ?
[B]my text[/B]
How to write in italic ?
[I]my text[/I]
how to understrike my text ?
[U]my text[/U]
how to strike my text ?
[STRIKE]my text[/STRIKE]
How can I write in different sizes ?
[SIZE=my_size]my text[/SIZE] my_size being a number between 1 and 29
How to change the color of my text ?
[COLOR=my_color]my text[/COLOR]
my_color being either a hexadecimal code like #FF5588 or a color name (yellow blue etc)
How do I insert links ?
[URL=]woltar[/URL] or [URL][/URL]
how to insert an image ?
This function is available only with the comfort pack and only in the blogs [IMG][/IMG] of course you need to put the url of your image. Check the size of your image.