
What is an elder
An elder is a woltarian who through meditation rose to paradise.
What can an elder do ?
An elder doesn't need to eat, he neither has an agenda or any possession. Yet he can communicate with other elders and the livings. He can access send and receive messages and write his blog
Why become an elder ?
The special status is aimed at people who don't have time to play their woltarian daily but don't want to loose contact with friends. Big familly owners may wish to have more time to play the longuer generation without putting the older ones in stasis or let them die.
I am force to become an elder ?
Certainly not, this stage is only for those who need it or want it
Once an elder is it possible to come back ?
No, this status is permanent, so be sure before getting there
Does an elder has special powers ?
No, they don't have any special power, though that might come in the future
How to become an elder ?
You need to meditate in the temple to increase your spirituality level. Then you can organise the ceremony which will raise you to paradise
How to increase my spirituality level ?
You need to go to the temple. Beware, your stress points will reduce you spirituality level. Be sure to keep your stress level low.