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day: month: year:


*I agree with the Terms of Use.:

* Mandatory fields
All these informations are for internal use only.They won't be sold to any third party. Only your login will be visible to other players.No advertising mail will be sent to you.

Terms of Use


The Woltar game (the game) is published by Woltar Eurl (the company) which headquater is located at 8 rue Henri Regnault 92400 Courbevoie France. By participating to the game the player agrees completly with theses rules.


Woltar can be accessed through the following address :

Whereas the company try to do its best to assure the greatest compatibility with most recent browser, it can't garantee a complete compatibility

The player must have a recent browser (Internet Explorer 6 ou plus, Firefox, Opera 8). it must doit accept cookies and support javascript.

The company do its best to maintain the game available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, nevertheless it reserve the right to proceed with maintenance and therefore momentarely shut the service down

The service being dependent on various technical constraints, the company can not be held responsible in case of disruption of the service.

Rules respect

The player commit to play according to the rules of the game. The rules are defined by the faq and the game interface itself.

Would the player discover a behaviour of game which is obviously a bug enabling him to cheat he/she would not use it and report it quickly.

The player won't try to bypass the rules by building systems enabling him/her to cheat.

Any attempt to try to discover other players passwords like for example "phishing" is absolutely forbidden.

It is allowed to have multiple accounts, but massive account creation aiming at getting wealthier by stealing young woltarians starting goods is forbidden.

Respecting other players

The player is the only responsible of any contain he/she will transmit by the way of any communication means built in the game. The company can not be held responsible for any remarks held by any player.

Would the company been nonetheless held responsible, the player commit to compensate the company.

The player commit to respect any local law and french law especially concerning ban on racist antisemit xenophobic, slanderous or insulting talks. He/she acknowledge some players are minors or young children and therefore will use a proper langage in its communications with other players whether they may be private as the messaging system or public as the blog. He/she will follow this rule also when choosing his/her login and woltarians names. Are also forbidden in players communications
  • Message chains
  • Advertising
  • harrassment as well as flood
  • Insults
The messaging system is a private communication, nevertheless, the player accept explicitly that administrators can read his/her messages:
  • For technical reasons.
  • In case of complains about his/her messages

Although the player is the only responsible of his/her blog, The company reserve the right to delete parts or all of one or more articles if they obviously break these rules or the law.

Any attempt to take ones identity by creating a woltarien with a name willingly similar aiming at harm another woltarien of take advantage of its notoriety is forbidden.

Any attempt to pirate another player account is absolutely forbidden.


The company reserve any right to intervene in case of offence to these rules.

The actions taken can be a removal or a suspension where temporary or permanent of the account or accounts liking to the offence, removal of some functions of the game, removal of offending messages or blogs, removal of any benefit of a cheating or any other action the company will juge appropriate.

In no case would any action leed to any compensation or repayment of any expenses done by the player. No action taken can be considered as renunciation to take other actions against the same player for the same offence, nor a renunciation to prosecute the player.